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Institute of Pharmacogenetics

Prof. Dr. med. Winfried Siffert

Managing Director:

Prof. Dr. med. Winfried Siffert




Doris Siffert


+49 (0) 201-723-34 70


+49 (0) 201-723-59 68




Facts and Figures

Molecular genetic and pharmacogenetic examinations per year: 100


Focus areas

The Institute of Pharmacogenetics focuses on investigating genetic variants that have an impact on the response to drugs and other forms of medical treatment. These genetic variants may be located in transport proteins, in metabolic pathways, or in pharmacological targets. The Institute also conducts research on genetic modifications co-determining disease progression and treatment response. The main interest in this field is in cardiovascular disease and cancer. The Institutes director is licensed to conduct certain molecular genetic tests that are reimbursable under German Statutory Health Insurance regulations, and these tests are offered to patients paying for their own care as well. The most frequent tests are for toxicity associated with azathoprin, 5-FU, and irinotecan treatments. Cytochrome P450 variants are studied as well, as are tests for the diagnosis of thrombophilia and hemochromatosis.


Special consultations

Pharmacogenetic consultation by appointment


Fields of Research

  • Development of genetic tests for use in tumor treatments
  • Research on the role of genetic variants in cardiovascular disease
  • Development of genetic tests for the prediction of drug effects and side effects


Number of patients

Approximately 100 per year



The Institute of Pharmacogenetics employs 3 physicians, 2 scientists, and 4 technicians.